Saturday, October 6, 2007

women dun need men to feel confident

hee .. i am back .. i found myself back alrd.. i was so sudden .. i was listening songs on my ipod.. then suddenly the though came to my mind .. " why have u cared what ppl feel abt u nowadays" well and thats the reason .

I have lost my old self bcos i began to mind how ppl think of me , i lost my confident cause i dun have a bf, i lost myself cause i began to envy and become jealous of ppl. i mind when ppl ask me whether i have a bf, and i had to say "NO " , and then they ask me go find.. so crapy huh .. i seriously dun noe wat happen , and to let ppl accept me more , i had to act fake to ppl even i dun like to.

But... i am happy that i found old- self back , i won't feel no confident anymore. Hx asked me wat makes me confident, i said understanding myself, being myself and being confident. If i have to care so much on how others think , then hw abt myself? i will be so uncomfortable. Hmm.. having gain myself back has made me more confident and made me brave.. the old jac is back le ..

all these might sound dramatic to u all huh.. heee

Oh i am bringin daph to espirt club lounge ( drinks on me k daphy) ..she's gonna bring me to new asia bar ( drinks on daphy .. haha.. ) great deal!

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