Yi wen has so many celebrations man... Sat birthday party , was the photographer , and the cam is realli heavy around my neck lor. Woke up with my neck hurtin like hell. Realli sorry darlin , that i'm sick and can't spend the actual day with u . Will make it up tml...
I'm feeling unwell , i think bcos of the bad flu last week did not recover fully. Then suppress until this week. I dun noe why nowadays i realli hate to go see doc. But my head realli hurts when i cough, somemore tml is chalet. I think i will just sleep , let ann and da and companions create havoc. Okie .. Dragonfly pics.
PS : Babyxin, i hope to bring u to dragonfly one day , i noe u dun club, but i feel that u will like the performances . Btw , pls dun add more promises. Even promises also need money . And ur xiao jie jie is broke !
Jacky wu has the urge to disappear during study break... And she wants to spend time with babyxin and creampuff durin hols.